Frontend news from February 4, 2025

Breaking Changes

Back to e-shop button (via Deferred Template Updates)

We remind you the added the Back to e-shop button to multiple places mentioned in the previous FE news.

Erratum: Accessibility of phone number

In the previous FE news, we incompletely informed you about the phone number change, omitting the information that the exact change is in the phone number in the footer section. We are sorry for any inconvenience.


Compute some CSS variables in the head

We significantly improved INP and CLS metrics by calculating --vh and --scrollbar-width within the head instead of the body.

Adjusted with for addition nal banners on the Samba template

We adjusted width for additional banners, if an additional banner has a link assigned but no other text, it should display at full screen width, like a banner with a link.

Photo gallery open

We improved INP metrics by removing the opening of the photo gallery from the main event loop.


Samba site name widht

We fixed the element in which the logo is inserted. On the Samba template, it caused bad UX in the mobile header.

External shipping modal on 2G

We fixed the external shiping modal opening, some user were not able to open the modal.

What we plan in upcoming days:

Post navigation