Frontend news from August 06, 2024

Breaking Changes:


As we mentioned here we will introduce lazyload to the article page. We rescheduled the revert of the change to 8. 8. 2024 to give you more time to make your adjustments.

Affiliate login and registration

On the 20. 8. 26. 8. we will unify the affiliate login and registration page. Now, the layout doesn’t correspond to the other login/registration pages. This change also brings a minor update in the body class. We will leave both classes for a certain period to secure a smooth transition.

Affiliate login page body class Affiliate registration body class
Current state affiliate-page affiliate-page
Transition state affiliate-page type-affiliate affiliate-page type-page
To-be state type-affiliate type-page

We will inform you about removing the affiliate-page body class.

What we plan in upcoming days:

Please note: the above outlook for 14 days is subject to change due to unexpected events or changes in priorities – we do not commit to delivering these outputs and outcomes. Thank you for your understanding.

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