API Release news from July 15, 2024

Here’s what’s news in API Release that’s been in production since July 15, 2024!

Breaking Changes:

Changing the range of IP addresses

– July 29, 2024 the range of IP addresses changes
– There will be a change for api.myshoptet.com, where there are currently two ip addresses and – Two more will be added later this week, namely and
– In upcoming months the entire range, which currently serves as a possible source of webhook notifications, will be deleted

Improving returned paymentMethods data

Invalid webhook delivery – action steps

EET sunset

New features:

Expanding the range of webhooks


What we plan in upcoming days:

Please note: the above outlook for 14 days is subject to change due to unexpected events or changes in priorities – we do not commit to deliver these outputs and outcomes. Thank you for your understanding.

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