How to launch the addon webinar at Demio

If your addon is to be purchased by a customer, it is important that the customer understands its benefits and knows how to use them. There are many ways to do this. From the correctly written presentation of the addon for Shoptet addons, through the descriptive screenshots (because a photo is worth more than a thousand words), up to a video tutorial. And perhaps also a webinar.

Webinars with our API partners are broadcast via Demio and post-recording is available on our YouTube channel. We’ll also add the video to the addon presentation to maximize the benefits for potential customers.

If your addon and service is good enough for a webinar and you would like to prepare it, let us know at We will select the date together and discuss everything you need.

And now let’s take a look at what the webinar should contain, what it should look like, and finally some technical things, how to broadcast it.

Content and form of a webinar

Promotion of webinar

In order to spread the information about the webinar among as many customers as possible, and at the right time, we promote it in two waves:

The reach of video without a bigger promotion is around 300 participants within a month (most of them are those who are really interested about it). The video will be embedded as part of your addon’s presentation, once it has been broadcast.

How to broadcast live webinars

The webinars are broadcast via the Demio platform. We prepare everything for a live broadcast, which you log in to with a unique link. We will show you how to do this now:

Live broadcast:

Preparing the webinar’s live streaming

  1. You will receive the invitation to take part in a live stream by e-mail
You will receive the invitation to take part in a live stream by e-mail
  1. You will be broadcasting through a link in the e-mail. So save it 🙂 But you will not get into the broadcasting studio just yet. One more step is needed
Broadcasting studio before start
  1. In order for you to get to the studio and prepare the broadcast presentation (but do not start yet), click on the link in the e-mail marked Enter as Shoptet. In fact, we are lending you the keys to unlock the studio 🙂
Unlock the studio as Shoptet
  1. When you enter a studio like Shoptet, keep the window open. You will be returned to it when you want to launch the live webinar. But now go back to your link you received, as a presenter. Now you’ll also see the option to enter the studio.
Enter as the presenter
  1. In the studio, use the screen-sharing button (right button below) to prepare what you want to show the participants of the webinar. You can share the full screen, application, or only the selected browser window.
Sharing the screen

Starting the live broadcast

  1. Everything ready? You can start! Just go back to the studio as “Shoptet”, and when it is time for live streaming, just click on the “Start session” button in the Shoptet room. After starting the broadcast, close this window, otherwise you will hear an annoying echo.
Starting the live broadcast
  1. And now you are broadcasting live.
Viewed by the participant
Viewed by the presenter

Stopping the broadcast

  1. As well as the start, you can end the broadcast from the Shoptet studio. Just click to return back to this studio with the End session button and end the broadcast
Stop the broadcast
  1. Finally, just switch off all the windows. We will post the video among the other webinars and add it to your presentation.

Two important tips, before we finish:

  1. Chat – Read the messages you receive aloud, when you want to reply to them (ideally immediately after they are received :)). The chat doesn’t appear in the video recording that we post to our other webinars on our youtube channel. So the video must be clear about what you are responding to. So that it’s not just “Shouts in the Dark”
  2. Transmission tip – Ensure you have stable Internet access and do not open any extra browser windows while you are transmitting. This can significantly affect the recording quality of the webinar, even though the live stream will appear fine. Let’s get the best quality for those looking at it later 🙂

Thank you!