Deferred template updates

Clients with customized storefront will be able to defer critical updates released by us. This means that when we roll out updates to production, they will be delayed on their e-shops.

How does it work?

1. Notifications

2. Preview

3. Verification

How will it look like?

This is the landing page where you can enable the feature:

This is example of an update where you can preview changes and approve the update:

The Deferred template updates feature will only apply to critical changes that could impact customized storefronts. Less critical updates will continue to be deployed as usual.

What do we expect from partners?

Are you add-on developer?

We are aware that some of our changes might affect your add-on, particularly those related to storefront customizations.

How to preview a change

We will inform you about the KEY of the change, along with all the details about the update. Using this string, you can preview the changes in several equivalent ways:

Please use the time before the release to adjust your add-on to accommodate our updates if necessary.

Note: This feature will be available at the beginning of September, 2024.