Blog on homepage is now available on all templates

Blog Posts Now Available Across All 3G Templates

Currently, blog posts are only available for the Disco and Samba templates. From Monday 20. 5., blog posts will be accessible across all 3G templates! This update will allow you to seamlessly integrate blog posts into the homepage.

Consistent Classname Change for Disco and Samba Templates

To ensure a consistent look and feel across all templates, we’re also planning a small but significant adjustment to the classname for the homepage-group-title element in the Disco and Samba templates:


<div class="homepage-group-title h2">New Articles</div>


<div class="homepage-group-title h4">New Articles</div>

Please make sure to update your code accordingly if you’re using the Disco or Samba templates to align with this change.

Minor CSS Changes

In addition to the classname adjustment, there will also be some minor changes to the CSS. These changes are designed to enhance the overall styling and ensure a uniform appearance across all templates. Please review your custom CSS to ensure compatibility with the upcoming updates.

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