Articles image src change because of lazyloading

A few days ago, we added image lazyload on articles images to improve page speed performance. However, it has a harmful impact on customizations. We reverted the change, but we still want to deploy this change.
Now, we added both src and data-src.

On 27. 7. 8. 8., we remove src and re-enable lazyload.

Here is the change:

<div class="image">
    <a href="/blog/kdyby-pod-balonky-nebyla-syte-zelenkava-trava/" title="Kdyby pod balónky nebyla sytě zelenkavá tráva">
        <img src="" alt="Kdyby pod balónky nebyla sytě zelenkavá tráva" data-src="">


<div class="image">
    <a href="/blog/kdyby-pod-balonky-nebyla-syte-zelenkava-trava/" title="Kdyby pod balónky nebyla sytě zelenkavá tráva">
        <img src="" alt="Kdyby pod balónky nebyla sytě zelenkavá tráva" data-src="">

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