The information in the shippingDetails attribute has been unified and now includes all carriers including PPL
It is recommended to take all branch information from the mentioned attribute, as the purpose of additionalFields will change
Order detail is enriched by shippingCompanyCode
Endpoint with shippingCompanyCode as a new property under shippingDetails parent as a extended option for order identification or eligibility for further processing
List of orders and List of all orders are unhanged, so there is sustained just the possibility with advanced query filters by the mentioned shippingCompanyCode attribute
New mass:webhooks event type
New mass webhooks (available in APIARY in Webhook event types section) have been released and are sent when a mass change of entities is performed. Currently only invoice:massUpdate and order:massUpdate are supported
The payload contains a json serialised list of IDs of changed entities.
for example invoice:massUpdate in the instance field return [12345, 1234567, 123456789]
The purpose of these webhooks is to reduce the number of requests while e.g. the administrator performs a mass change of order status at once, etc.
Please note that for now, if some mass event is performed, we also sent “single” webhook event for every updated entity as usual. This will be changed in future, so please watch release changes for more information.
We have set a maximum of 50 attemptsfor unfinished jobs.
When you exceed the limit, you will receive an error 403 with the message: You have exceeded the limit of job detail request for unprocessed job "jobId". Please wait for job:finished event after job is completed!
If the job does not exist error 404 is going to be returned.
Please note, that we do not rule out the possibility that the maximum number of attempts on unfinished jobs will be significantly lower in the future. This will be announced in advance.