Here’s what’s news in API Release that’s been in production since March 10, 2025!
Breaking Changes:
Webhook notification endpoint purpose
For those of you using endpoint webhook notification, please verify the purpose for which you are using it
This endpoint no longer fits into our future concepts and we are discussing the deprecation and deletion of this endpoint in upcoming months Please, let us know if or why this endpoint is necessary for you.
Disallowing the creation of documents from invalid reference document
The next week (from 17 March) we will put into production a modification to disable the creation of documents from an invalid reference document (e.g. an credit note from a non-valid invoice, etc.)
This refers to the isValid field , if it is set to false, the document cannot be created and you will get error 422 - Unprocessable entity Please check your integrations to see if this change will put them at risk and, if necessary, prepare your code and customers for this change
Change in Content-type header response
As we reported in the release news from January 28, 2025, we applied the announced change in the Content-type header response from the original application/vnd.shoptet.v1.0+json; charset=utf-8 to application/json; charset=utf-8
New features:
General document export
Since last release you can newly request documents of several types in several formats in combination with the included settings
See the tables below for possibilities and settings. Export is processed asynchronously
See how Asynchronous requests work on our developer’s portal.
You can use several query filters (or include parameters) such as:
the date window of an export
document type (e.g. invoice, credit-note, etc.)
taxDate and many others
Rate-limiter e-mails grouped by recipient email
We have modified the logic of sending rate-limiter reporting emails according to the recipient’s email so that the receiving and identification of the issue is more straightforward and leads to faster resolution