New Shoptet API documentation

We’re excited to announce our brand new documentation for our well known Shoptet API, letting you explore all there is to the even better functionality.

Before this update, users had to rely on our old fashioned documentation, which was not consistently described or contained some typo mistakes in certain parts.
With this update, we’re looking to provide users with the guidance they need to get everything they need from our Shoptet API. Please note, that for now, both documentations remain active in parallel, however, the original – APIARY one, will be downgraded in support and marked as deprecated as of the release of this news. We expect it to be completely deleted, early 2025.

In addition to our API and its documentation, we would like to also remind you of our Postman Collection, letting you try all the new functionality and changes immediately after release.

Our goal is to help you speed up your integration processes significantly, make your API testing even smoother, and have faster and more efficient tools to use as simply as possible and we continue to roll out updates, plese feel free to contact us with any questions regarding these changes. 💪🏻

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